Management of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)
Jayappa, HK Ramappa and BD Devamani
Experiments were conducted on integrated management of MYMV by using different combination of insecticides and neem based pesticides during January and March in 2016. Among the treatments in both the experiment, seed treatment with imidacloprid at 5 ml/kg seeds and two sprays of imidacloprid at 0.5 ml/l at 25 and 40 days after sowing (DAS) or two sprays of imidacloprid at 0.5 ml/l alone at 25 and 40 DAS were found effective in reducing the incidence of MYMV (41.86 per cent) and its vector (3.5 per plant). Seed treatment with imidacloprid at 5 ml/kg seeds plus two sprays of neemazal at 3 ml/l was also effective in management of MYMV (45.20 per cent) and its vector (3.7 per plant). Compared to these treatments, maximum per cent incidence and whitefly population was recorded in control.