Radiological study of the influence of platelet rich-plasma and low level laser therapy on healing of experimentally fractured proximal sesamoid bone in equine: Part Ι1
Sinan A, MJ Eesa and Raffal A Omar
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of platelet rich plasma and low level laser therapy (diode laser) on the healing of proximal sesamoid bone fracture. Twelve healthy adult donkeys were used during the period from June 2015 to August 2017. Animals were divided into three equal groups: First group was used as control, second was treated by platelet rich plasma and third group was treated by diode laser. All animals were exposed experimentally to transverse mid body fracture of proximal sesamoid bone, in first group the bone fixed internally by screw and followed by external fixation with Plaster of Paris under general anesthesia, the second and third groups were exposed to similar surgical procedure except in second group injected of autologous platelet rich plasma in the fracture site, and the third group exposed to serial session of low level laser. All experimental animals were in a good health postoperatively, except hyper granulation tissue at the site of surgical incision was observed in one animal of the first group and another in the second group exhibited superficial exudate at the site of operation. At 60 post-operative days, the x-rays of the fracture line show a slight visible fracture line, new bone formation with still visible fracture line and denser fracture line, in first, second and third groups respectively. At 90 post-operative days, in three groups, they showed invisible fracture line, but with superior of third group in compared with first and second groups.
Sinan A, MJ Eesa, Raffal A Omar. Radiological study of the influence of platelet rich-plasma and low level laser therapy on healing of experimentally fractured proximal sesamoid bone in equine: Part Ι1. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):737-741.