In this study, the synomonal effects of n- hexane based sugarcane leaf extract of four sugarcane varieties viz., Co0238, CoJ64, CoLk8102 & CoLk94184 on parasitoid, T. chilonis have studied under laboratory conditions in Y- tube olfactometer and petridish bioassay. It was observed that the leaf extract of all sugarcane varieties was positively attracted the T. chilonis female in dual choice preference study. The attraction of parasitoid towards the extract in the dual choice study proved to be the chemical cues emanated from leaf of the sugarcane plant was responsible for foraging activity of T. chilonis in sugarcane crop ecosystem. The results were observed differ in petridish bioassay, the synomonal effect of leaf extracts on Corcyra cephalonica Stainton treated eggs have less influence on parasitoid visit, percent parasitism and adult emergence of T. chilonis wasp. The overall trends of higher foraging response of parasitoid were recorded on leaf extract of CoLk94184. This means that the different variety of sugarcane evolved different kind of quantitative chemical cues, which can govern for foraging behaviour of parasitoids.