Identification of common aquatic insects of Jajroud River
Mansoreh Sahyeghi, Hassan Vatandoost, Azim Paksa, Masome Amin, Homa Yousefi, Sara Rahimi, Madineh Abbasi and Amir Ahmad Akhavan
Some species of aquatic insect are medically important vectors that transmit diseases. Some of them also are used as an indicator of water pollution. There is little information about the aquatic insect's fauna of Iran. To study the aquatic insects fauna, adult, nymphal and larval, species collection was done at five random points along Jajroud River in the protected area of Jajroud, Pardis is one of the cities of Tehran province, during summer 2015. Totally, 306 samples were collected belonging to four orders: Diptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Coleoptera. Five genus identified, include Blepharicera, Simulium, Hydropsyche, Baetis, and Hybius. The most predominant genus was Simulidae (80%).
Some species of aquatic insect are medically important vectors that transmit diseases. These insects are used as an indicator of water pollution and biological control. Therefore study on aquatic insects and understanding ecology of aquatic insects can use as bio-indicator of water quality and biological control.
Mansoreh Sahyeghi, Hassan Vatandoost, Azim Paksa, Masome Amin, Homa Yousefi, Sara Rahimi, Madineh Abbasi, Amir Ahmad Akhavan. Identification of common aquatic insects of Jajroud River. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):1433-1436.