Phenotypic attributes of indigenous pigs in Tamil Nadu
K Sangli Vikram Kumar, D Balasubramanyam, SN Sivaselvam and P Tensingh Gnanaraj
The present study was carried out in different districts of Tamil Nadu to evaluate the phenotypic attributes of indigenous pigs for the first time ever. A total of 1059 indigenous pigs were selected for the study. Field level survey on phenotypic of indigenous pigs was carried out using a pre-framed questionnaire. The results revealed that the predominant coat colour was black. Animals with complete black without pigmentation (96.14%), black with white (2.42%) and black with brown (1.73%) was noticed. Legs were white below the hock joint. Head was straight (94.24 %) and convex (5.76 %). The ears were leaf like drooping (51.56 %) with downward orientation and straight (48.44 %). Almost all pigs had pendulous tail with the tuft of hairs in the tip of the tail (100 %). The pigs are wild in nature and look, and small in size. Body shape was found to be stocky (51.74%) and angular (48.26 %). Belly type was flat (93.57 %) and pot (6.33 %). Top line was straight back (56.94 %) and arched back (43.06 %). Hoof placement was full in all the animals surveyed. In some animals wattles are seen below the jaw. The indigenous pigs were reared predominantly under scavenging management systems with occasional tethering, as majority of the farmers are from weaker sections of the society. The study are very much useful to characterize indigenous pigs of Tamil Nadu state and also in the selection of breeding stock for future parents.
K Sangli Vikram Kumar, D Balasubramanyam, SN Sivaselvam, P Tensingh Gnanaraj. Phenotypic attributes of indigenous pigs in Tamil Nadu. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):1437-1440.