Traditional fishing gadgets used by fishermen of Barak valley, Southern Assam, North East India
Banasree Sharma, Jayashree Rout and Saroj Kumar Swain
Current study was carried out in two viIlages, Irongmara and Dwarband of Cachar District, Barak valley, Southern Assam which is the home to various communities and hence has resulted in diverse fishing techniques and methods. Barak valley is blessed with vast water bodies in the form of rivers and tributaries, flood plain wetlands giving the fishermen ample opportunity for fishing. In these two areas fishing activity was found high due to large number of water bodies, which involve the use of various fishing gears and crafts which are operated in rivers, temporary pools, fishery ponds and low lying areas. The habit of fishing is practiced largely for their livelihood in this vicinity. In the present paper an attempt has been made to document the traditional methods carried out for fishing in the village area, which revealed a total of 21 fishing devices; in the area in the form of traps, nets and hooks accompanied with 3 accessories used while fishing. Bamboo was mainly used for the construction of fishing gadgets which is locally available and economical. Random fishing and use of fine mesh seine nets was found harmful for fishes in the area.
Banasree Sharma, Jayashree Rout, Saroj Kumar Swain. Traditional fishing gadgets used by fishermen of Barak valley, Southern Assam, North East India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):1555-1560.