Bioefficacy of Ready Mixture Formulation, Spirotetramat 120 + Imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC against Sucking Pest Complex of Brinjal
Koushik Sen, Arka Samanta, SK Fashi Alam, Partha Protim Dhar and Arunava Samanta
Field investigations were conducted on brinjal to evaluate the efficacy of ready mix formulation, spirotetramat 120 + imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC against sucking pest complex during 2012 and 2013. The results revealed that spirotetramat 120 + imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC @ 75 + 75 g a.i./ha was found more effective than other treatments in the reduction of the population of jassids (99.21%), whiteflies (99.04%) and red spider mites (91.31%), respectively. The highest marketable fruit yield was recorded in the treatment with spirotetramat 120 + imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC @ 75 + 75 g a.i./ha (72.77 q/ha). The ready mixture formulation, spirotetramat 120 + imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC @ 75 + 75 g a.i./ha proved significantly superior than other treatments and could be utilized as an effective component in the IPM programme of brinjal to manage the sucking pests.