P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078
Title and Authors Name |
The secret life of Zika virus: Book review pages: 01-01 | 503 views 369 downloads | country: India |
Effects of monocrotophos (an organophosphate) on ultra-structure and SDH of liver; AChE, glucose and bilirubin in blood of rat pages: 02-06 | 2129 views 448 downloads | country: India |
Application of entomopathogenic fungi for insect pests control pages: 07-13 | 2334 views 442 downloads | country: Pakistan |
Analysis of heavy metals in river Kabul at Sardaryab Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan pages: 14-16 | 1880 views 298 downloads | country: Pakistan |
First report on Scarabaeid (Coleoptera) fauna of Sahaspur, Uttarakhand pages: 17-22 | 2187 views 444 downloads | country: India |
Monitoring insecticide resistance to leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in rice growing regions of Tamil Nadu pages: 23-26 | 3090 views 676 downloads | country: India |
Somatic cell alteration in healthy and mastitic milk of sheep and goats pages: 27-33 | 2206 views 488 downloads | country: India |
Impression of elevated Co2 on the herbivory of tomato fruit borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) pages: 34-37 | 1818 views 242 downloads | country: India |
Evolving an integrated management strategy for effective suppression of mite pests infesting tomato pages: 38-42 | 1986 views 302 downloads | country: India |
Association between climatic changes and leishmaniasis incidence in Biskra district, Algeria pages: 43-49 | 2049 views 477 downloads | country: Algeria |