Seasonal incidence of coccidial infection in Barbari and Jamunapari goats of semi-arid region, India
Alok Kumar Singh, D Shanker, PK Rout, A Kumar and Pradeep Kumar
The seasonal occurrence of coccidian oocysts was determined in Barbari and Jamunapari goats at Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura, semi-arid regions of India. A total of 474 goats were examined and 458 (96.62%) were found positive for coccidian infection during the year 2012-13. The study was performed in two different seasons in season I [autumn, (November, December)] and season II [spring, (March, April)]. In autumn season, 259 samples (153 Barbari and 106 Jamunapari), whereas in spring season 215 faecal samples (110 Barbari and 105 Jamunapari) were collected and number of oocysts per gram (OPG) of faeces was determined. The mean OPG value for the Barbari (1382.7) was found to be higher than the mean OPG value for jamunapari goats (1017.0) in autumn season while, in spring season, higher values were recorded in Jamunapari goats (1023.1). It is expected that the findings of the present study will be useful to minimize and control the incidence of coccidiosis in the goats of semi-arid regions.
Alok Kumar Singh, D Shanker, PK Rout, A Kumar, Pradeep Kumar. Seasonal incidence of coccidial infection in Barbari and Jamunapari goats of semi-arid region, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(6):276-278.