The present studies on biology of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) on brinjal cvs. 'Neelkanth' and 'Pusa Purple Long' was carried out during 2016 in the laboratory conditions in the Department of Entomology, Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan. From studies it was found that the incubation period was 3.72 and 3.51 days on 'Neelkanth' and 'Pusa Purple Long' whereas the larval period was found 13.52 and 14.39 days on 'Pusa Purple Long' and 'Neelkanth'. The total developmental period was 24.52 and 26.41 days on 'Pusa Purple Long' and 'Neelkanth' cultivars, respectively. The fecundity was more on 'Pusa Purple Long' (210.20 eggs per female), as compared to 'Neelkanth' cultivar (193.40 eggs per female). From studies, it was also found that developmental biology was shorter in 'Pusa Purple Long' whereas longer in 'Neelkanth'.