Assadullah Habib, Maqsood Anwar Rustamani, Imran Khatri, Khalid Hussain Dhiloo, Muhammad Yaseen, Khadim Hussain Dhiloo and Sumbel Murred Mastoi
The study was conducted on Sphecidae and Vespidae families from various localities of Tandojam and the specimens were brought into the laboratory of Insect Systematic, Department of Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam for further identification and examination. Collection was made through traditional hand net from various localities of Tandojam. For habitus (adult) images the high pixel camera was used, and for the images of genitalia was captured through a USB camera fitted on microscopes. In the present study total 39 members of the family vespidae and sphecidae, were collected and studied. During the course of identification 8 species were identified; family vespidae revealed 6 species under 3 subfamilies; Polistinae, tribe polistini with 3 species Polistes indicus, Polistes wattii and Ropalidia brevita. Vespinae with only one species Vespa orientalis. Eumeninae with 2 species Delta pyriforme pyriforme and Delta dimidiatipenne, Family Sphecidae, revealed 2 species under subfamily Sphecinae, tribe Sphecini; Sphex pruinosus and Sphex argentatus.