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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2017, Vol. 5, Issue 6
Bio-efficacy studies of newer insecticides against sucking insects pests on chilli, Capsicum annum L

PM Sangle, SR Pawar, Mithu Antu and DM Korat

Study was conducted to determine the bio-efficacy of seven insecticides against sucking insect pests viz., thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) in chilli variety GVC-111 during kharif and rabi 2013. Among the different insecticides, imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.005% (5.12 thrips/3 leaves and 0.96 whiteflies/leaf), acetamiprid 20 SP 0.004% (0.58 whiteflies/leaf) and triazophos 40 EC @ 0.04% (1.09 whiteflies/leaf) found most effective. Highest green chilli fruit yield (110.25 q/ha) was harvested from crop treated with imidacloprid followed by thiamethoxam (106.55 q/ha), triazophos (103.79 q/ha) and acetamiprid (102.91 q/ha). The highest Incremental Cost Benefit Ratio (1:23.17) was registered in imidacloprid followed by thiamethoxam (1:20.45), acetamiprid (1:19.60) and triazophos (1:17.69).
Pages : 476-480 | 1889 Views | 711 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
PM Sangle, SR Pawar, Mithu Antu, DM Korat. Bio-efficacy studies of newer insecticides against sucking insects pests on chilli, Capsicum annum L. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(6):476-480.

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