Relative effectiveness of plant products against tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) and Bihar hairy caterpillar (Spilarctia obliqua)
Preeti Sharma and Neeta Gaur
Antifeedant and growth inhibitory activities of hexane, diethyl ether and acetone extracts of seven plant species viz., Vasaka, Adhatoda vasaka leaves, Jatropha, Jatropha curcas seeds, Mandukparni, Centella asiatica leaves, Kundru, Coccinia grandis leaves and roots, Karipatta, leaves Murraya koenigii, Marigold, Tagetes erectus leaves, Brahmi, Bacopa monnieri leaves were tested against 8 and 6 day old larvae of S. litura and S. obliqua. All extracts showed antifeedant and growth inhibitory activities in a dose dependent manner. Among all the treatments most effective extracts were J. curcas (Hexane) extract against S. litura while J. curcas, (Diethyl ether) against S. obliqua as they showed maximum larval period (13.66 and 28.66 d), pupal period (21.00 and 12.33 d) and terminal larval mortality (33.33 and 33.33%), minimum mean pupal weight (0.117 and 0.304 gm), pupation (43.33 and 63.33 %) and adult emergence (33.33 and 33.33%) over control respectively. Least effective were J. curcas (Diethyl ether) extract against S. litura and V. negundo (Acetone) against S. obliqua. This study provides a means of plant screening to find out compounds with antifeedant and growthinhibitory activities against insects which can be useful for future studies in Plant Health management.