Effect of herbal immunomodulator on sensory evaluation in Giriraja birds
Dharmaraj GY, Jayanaik Indresh HC, Prabhu TM and Munegowda T
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of herbal immunomodulator powder and liquid form (with and without vaccine) comparing with levamisole powder (with and without vaccine) in Giriraja birds from day one to 8 weeks periods to evaluate on sensory evaluation in birds. In a completely randomised design, 525 day old Giriraja chicks were assigned to seven treatments with each treatment group consisting of five replicates with 15 chicks each.The effect of supplementation of different immunomodulators viz levamisole, herbal immunomodulator liquid and powder with and without vaccine did not show significant difference among the treatment groups. The highest mean score for flavor (4.65) was recorded in herbal immunomodulator liquid with vaccine supplemented group (T7) and significantly compared with other treatment groups (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6). The highest mean score for taste (4.10) was recorded in herbal immunomodulator powder without vaccine supplemented group (T4) and other treatment groups exhibited non- significant difference among themselves. The highest mean score recorded for juiciness was 3.95 in herbal immunomodulator powder with vaccine(T5) and herbal immunomodulator liquid without vaccine supplemented group (T6) and significantly comparable with 3.65 score recorded in treatment groups (T1,T2, and T4) and non-significantly comparable with treatment groups (T3 and T7). There was no significant difference observed in texture and there was no significant difference in overall mean score of different treatment groups.