An overview on epizootic ulcerative syndrome of fishes in India: A comprehensive report
Nilesh kumar Pagrut, Subha Ganguly, Vikas Jaiswal and Chandrapratap Singh
The present short communication reviews the status of research in India on EUS. It affects thirty genera of fishes in all types of water areas. The incidence percentage was highest in the genera Channa and Puntius (5-100%). The disease to be more severe (15-70%) in waters of low alkalinity (0-49 ppm) and hardness (0-45 ppm). Heavy metals do not record any metal of significance as predisposing stress factor to fish. Pesticides BHC, DDT, lindane and their metabolites have been detected in water and fish samples and may be important predisposing stress factors. Studies on the suspected causative agents, namely, virus, bacteria and fungus could not establish conclusively the primary etiological agent. So far 20 species of pathogenic bacteria have been isolated from affected fishes of which A. hydrophila has been consistent along with the fungus, Saprolegnia. Animal parasites like, Triparticlla, Dactylogyrus, Thelohanellus are recorded in low intensity.