Habitat conservation through butterfly zone: A new approach to in-situ conservation of butterfly diversity
Chandra Shekhar Sanwal, Parag Madukar Dhakate, Kapil kumar Joshi and Neethu Lakshmi M
The conventional species level approach for biodiversity conservation has major limitations; hence a policy shift from conservation of a single species to their habitat is justified and is the need of the hour. In this line, a new approach for habitat conservation through setting up Butterfly Zone was conceptualized at a Chorgalia range of Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary. Butterfly zone was set up in a 1.0 ha area of moist deciduous teak forest patch in a Chorgalia range of Haldwani Forest Division. As a result of enrichment and conservation of habitat having multiple indigenous host plants, there was remarkable increase in butterfly population in the zone around the year. Altogether, 35 species of butterflies were recorded. The naturally landscaped butterfly zone with its rich butterly fauna was an attraction to the visitors. Besides conserving the butterfly diversity in situ, the butterfly zone also conserves the entire habitat that encourages a community of native plants and insects to thrive in the zone.