Diversity of insect species along with their host in Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
A Rahman, M Bathari, P Borah, RR Taye and P Patgiri
A survey was conducted to study the diversity of insect species between 2013-14to 2015-16 in Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. Geographically, Jorhat is located at116 Meters (381 ft) above MSL and 26.75°N latitude and 94.22°E longitude. Insect specimens were collected from different ecosystems of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. The result of the diversity study revealed that Coleopteran (64 species) dominated the other insect fauna followed by Lepidoptera (38species), Diptera (25 species) Hymenoptera (22 species), Odonata (19 species) and Hemiptera (11 species). All total 179 insect species were collected and the species were identified with the help of existing literature. On the whole, the experimental site showed a high diversity of insect species. The presence of different insect species is the indication that the studied site has a good potential resource for better cultivation. The knowledge compiled here will provide useful information for future studies aiming to understand more deeply the processes of speciation and faunal formation of insects in Jorhat.
A Rahman, M Bathari, P Borah, RR Taye, P Patgiri. Diversity of insect species along with their host in Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(6):2307-2312.