Effect of biotic and abiotic factors on the population dynamics of wheat aphids
Haseeb Jan, Muhammad Naveed Akhtar, Zunnu Raen Akhtar, Waleed Afzal Naveed, Muhammad Latif and Syed Zain Abbas Shah
Population dynamics of wheat aphids was observed on yellow water tray traps along the wheat field and also on wheat crop by using randomized completely block design on Entomological research area of Ayub agricultural research institute Faisalabad, Pakistan. In field also lady beetles, syrhpid fly and chrysopa were recorded. Experiment started from 23 November 2015 and end of data recorded on 6 March 2016 at harvesting stage. Population dynamics of aphids on yellow water tray traps showed strong positive (r≤0.51) relationship with temperature. While relative humidity having negative non-significant (r≤-0.2) relationship with wheat aphids population. In wheat crop, aphids population showed positive and significant relationship (r≥0.6) with temperature and wind velocity while relative humidity showed negative significant relationship (r≥-0.8). Soil temperature, and sunshine hours showed positive non-significant relationship (r≤0.5) with wheat aphids population. All biotic factors showed negative non-significant relationship (r≤-0.5) with wheat aphids population.
Haseeb Jan, Muhammad Naveed Akhtar, Zunnu Raen Akhtar, Waleed Afzal Naveed, Muhammad Latif, Syed Zain Abbas Shah. Effect of biotic and abiotic factors on the population dynamics of wheat aphids. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(6):2349-2353.