Macro and micro anatomical study of Harderian gland of pig
Jiten Rajkhowa, Kabita Sarma, Anil Deka and Snehangsu Sinha
In the present investigation, 6 numbers of each apparently healthy adult Pigs were utilized for detailed anatomical study on gross, histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural analysis. In the present study, the Harderian gland was observed with the naked eye in the medioventral region of the orbital cavity attached along with the eye ball,a large glandular structure present in dorso ventral direction. The mean size of the gland was recorded as length 29.29±0.88mm. width (vental part) 13.16±0.24mm, width (dorsal part) 10.41±0.22 mm and thickness 7.80±0.22 mm. In the present study, the Harderian gland of pig was a multilobar tubuloalveolar gland with abundances of alveoli and acini. It was covered by a thick connective tissue capsule and contained collagen, elastic, reticular and nerve fibers. The connective tissue capsule also contained blood vessels. The duct of this gland was lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. The connective tissue penetrated from the capsule into the glandular tissue and formed numerous thick and sparse thin septa, and it divided the gland into small and big lobes. The histochemical sections were found positive for PAS Alcian blue 2.5 in Pig but showing very weak reaction glycogen. In the current study, scanning electron microphotograph of harderian gland showed the acini, secretory granules and connective tissue fibers.