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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 1
Evaluation of bioefficacy of flubendiamide 24% w/v + thiacloprid 24% SC w/v against shoot and fruit borer and its sucking pests and its safety to non-target organisms in brinjal

S Sangamithra, B Vinothkumar, N Muthukrishnan and T Manoharan

The present field experiment to evaluate bioefficacy of flubendiamide 24% w/v + thiacloprid 24% sc w/v against shoot and fruit borer and sucking pests and its safety to non target organisms in brinjal was conducted during July – October 2015 and January – May 2016 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Results revealed that, among the treatments, flubendiamide 24% + thiacloprid 24% SC w/v @ 84 + 84 g a.i ha-1 had incredible reduction of shoot and fruit borer and sucking pests. The mean per cent reduction over control of two consecutive seasons was recorded as 96.62 and 98. 25 per cent, respectively for shoot and fruit borer in flubendiamide 24%+thiacloprid 24% SC w/v @ 84 + 84 g a.i ha-1, followed by flubendiamide 24% + thiacloprid 24% SC w/v @ 72 + 72 g a.i ha-1 (88.98 and 88.90 per cent, respectively) and thiaclorid 21.7% SC w/w @ 180 g a.i ha-1 (85.86 and 88.33 per cent, respectively). Regarding sucking pests, similarly the combination product @ 84 + 84 g ai ha-1 was highly effective in reducing aphids, jassids and thrips population (95.60, 95.33 and 91.88 per cent, respectively) followed by flubendiamide 24% w/v + thiacloprid 24% SC w/v @ 72+72 (87.79, 87.72 and 84.45 per cent, respectively) and 64 + 64 g ai ha-1 (80.89, 78.65 and 75.41 per cent, respectively). The highest fruit yield was recorded in flubendiamide 24% w/v + thiacloprid 24 % SC w/v @ 84 + 84 g a.i. ha-1 (47.92 t ha-1) and also found relatively safer to non target organisms like spiders and coccinellids.
Pages : 245-249 | 1462 Views | 366 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
S Sangamithra, B Vinothkumar, N Muthukrishnan, T Manoharan. Evaluation of bioefficacy of flubendiamide 24% w/v + thiacloprid 24% SC w/v against shoot and fruit borer and its sucking pests and its safety to non-target organisms in brinjal. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(1):245-249.

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