Species diversity of Dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) in Tripura, N.E. India
Navendu Nair, T Bhattacharjee, B Thangjam, U Giri and MR Debnath
The present study was conducted from May, 2015 to May, 2017 to identify the Dacine fruit fly species present in Tripura, N.E. India. Para-pheromone traps (cue-lure and methyl-eugenol) and food bait traps were used to catch the Dacine fruit flies. Twenty species of Dacine fruit flies have been recorded form this North-Eastern state of India. Among these, 11 species are new records for the state and 6 species, namely Bactrocera nigrifacia, B. rubigina, B. tuberculata, B. bogorensis, B. vulta and B. apicalis) are new records for India. Taxonomic keys and coloured photo graphs for identification of these fruit flies are provided.
Navendu Nair, T Bhattacharjee, B Thangjam, U Giri, MR Debnath. Species diversity of Dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) in Tripura, N.E. India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(1):297-302.