A Study on growth and development of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) on different Artificial Diets
Dinesh Rajaram Hegde, SJ Nelson, N Natarajan, S Mohan Kumar and T Arumugam
A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the suitability of four artificial diets viz., A, B, C and D for the growth and development of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) and these diets were compared with natural (brinjal) and laboratory (potato) host of the insect. Five larvae selected from each first three larval instars were tested on the artificial diets plus brinjal and potato for their growth and development. Brinjal and potato served best for the insect in terms of growth, development, longevity of larvae and pupae and fecundity of adult female moth. The larval survival and adult emergence in potato is 96.00 percent in case of all larval instars which in case of brinjal, it is 92.00 per cent (I and II instars) and 100.00 (III instars) per cent. The fecundity rate was high in both the cases with more than 90 eggs/female observed. The artificial diet also performed better and gave satisfactory results. The diet D which employed brinjal pulp had shown better larval survival and adult emergence rates (64.00 per cent in case of III instars) and also better larval and pupal periods (13.00 and 9.20 days respectively for III instar) and fecundity of 64.5 eggs on an average per female moth. The next best diet appeared promising was diet C followed by Diet B and the diet A had shown very poor result in terms of larval survival and adult emergence (44.00 percent), higher larval and pupal period (14.00 days and 9.60 days respectively) and lowest fecundity rate (43.60 eggs/female) when tested with III larval instar. Therefore, with notable satisfactory results, the diet D can be used as an alternate diet other than Brinjal and Potato for mass rearing of Leucinodes orbonalis in the laboratory.
Dinesh Rajaram Hegde, SJ Nelson, N Natarajan, S Mohan Kumar, T Arumugam. A Study on growth and development of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) on different Artificial Diets. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(1):555-559.