An annotated list of the butterfly fauna of Quetta, Pakistan
Sabina Noor, Hina Ali Ahmed, Fariha Mengal, Saima Durrani, Samina Rasheed, Fatimah Abang and Imran Ali Sani
A field survey was conducted to document the latest diversity of butterfly fauna that inhabits the Quetta region from April to October, 2012. A total of 240 individuals represented by 23 species of butterflies was recorded. The family Pieridae dominated with seven species followed by Nymphalidae (six species) and Lycaenidae (six species), Hesperiidae (three species) and Papilionidae (one species). Pieris rapae and Belenois aurota represented the most abundant species, each with 29 individuals encountered. Papilionid butterflies were rarely encountered with only one species, Papilio machaon (Common Yellow Swallowtail) represented by two individuals. Cynthia cardui, a migrant butterfly which is widely distributed throughout Pakistan was also recorded in Quetta. This study provides a first attempt in documenting the butterfly fauna of Quetta region.
Sabina Noor, Hina Ali Ahmed, Fariha Mengal, Saima Durrani, Samina Rasheed, Fatimah Abang, Imran Ali Sani. An annotated list of the butterfly fauna of Quetta, Pakistan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(1):771-777.