Response of lentil varieties against Fusarium wilt
Majida Parveen Soomro, Khadim Hussain Wagan, Khalid Hussain Dhiloo, Shahida Parveen Soomro, Majid Hussain Soomro, Sadia Hassan, Muhammad Yaseen, Jamal-U-Din Hajano, Sumbel Mureed Mastoi and Paras Mureed Mastoi
The present study was conducted in the field of Pulse Research sub-station, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during Rabi-2012 to find the suitable varieties of lentil for cultivation in Sindh region. Ten lentil varieties were cultivated in the field with three replications in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) having a history of high infection of Fusarium wilt. The disease incidence and mortality percentage by counting infected and dead plants while disease severity was rated at 1-9 disease scale (1 for highly resistant and 9 for highly susceptible). Observations revealed that from ten varieties none was observed immune to disease. NIA-Masoor-05, lentil-25 was comparatively resistant against infection followed by Masoor-93 and Markaz-09. While varieties like DL-2, VM-4 and DL-1 were highly susceptible to disease as compared to other varieties. Maximum disease incidence, disease severity and mortality percentage were recorded in DL-2, VM-4, DL-3 and DL-1 followed by Lentil-85, Masoor-6 and Markaz-9, whereas, minimum was noted in NIA-Masoor-05, Lentil-25 and Masoor-93. The seed weight of ten plants of lentil varieties lowest 1000-seed weight (15.28g, 17.00g, 18.00g) was calculated in DL-2, VM-4 and DL-3 compared to rest of the varieties. While, the highest 1000-seed weight was noted in NIA-Masoor-05 (23.60g) followed by Lentil-25 (23.10g). Similarly highest seed weight of 10 plants was calculated in NIA-Masoor-93 whereas, lowest seed weight of 10 plants was recorded in DL-2, VM-4 and DL-3 followed by DL-1 and lentil-85 lentil varieties.