Management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in turmeric
Niranjana Prabhu KJ, Kantharaju V, Pushpa TN, Thammaiah N and Mahesh YS
Turmeric root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) is one of the major problem, which causes galls/knots in the rhizomes and causes considerable yield loses. A pot experiment was conducted to manage the root-knot nematode using bioagents, botanicals and chemicals. The maximum plant height (68.75 cm), fresh rhizome weight (308.25 g), dry rhizome weight (62.13) and least number of galls (26.25), lowest soil nematode population (201.75) was found in T2 - Carbofuron 3G among the individual treatment and it was significantly superior over other individual treatments and control followed by T3 - Trichoderma viride and T1 - Neem cake. In combination treatments T6- Neem cake + Paecilomyces lilacinus performed better with maximum plant height (72.00 cm), fresh rhizome weight (325.00 g), dry rhizome weight (65.00 g) and least number of galls (23.50) and lowest soil nematode population (153.25) which was on par with T5- Neem cake + Trichoderma viride when compared with control. In general, all individual and combination treatments performed better and significantly superior to control.