Estimation of yield losses due to major insect pests of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
KC Ahir, Arti Saini and BS Rana
A field experiment was conducted to estimate the losses caused by insect pests of groundnut at Instructional farm, College of Technology and Engineering (CTAE), MPUAT, Udaipur during Kharif 2014. The insect-pests infestation adversely affected the plant height and other yield attributing characters of groundnut. The insect pests caused significant reduction in mean height of plant (20.50%), primary branches (24.93%), pods per plant (25.26%), kernel per pod (6.80%) and yield per plot (35.71%); while increase in mean pod damage (50.99%) and mean kernel damage (29.61%). The mean yield data recorded form protected and unprotected plots indicated that insect pests caused 35.71 per cent loss in yield, equivalent to a loss of 8.05 q/ha.
KC Ahir, Arti Saini, BS Rana. Estimation of yield losses due to major insect pests of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):312-314.