Impact of joint forest management on the insect population and socio-economics of local communities of village miandam district swat, Pakistan
Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Salim, Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Suliman, Salman Khan, Shah Masaud Khan, Muhammad Sadiq Khan and Honey Huma Amir
This research study was carried out to assess and analyze the socio-economic impacts of Joint Forest Management at Miandam, district Swat between October 2015 to April 2016 using structured Questionnaire and participatory approach. The main objectives of the present study was to assess the Socio-economic impacts of Joint Forest Management on the local communities in the study area, to compare Joint Forest Management with the traditional system of forest management on the local communities and to find out gaps between JFMC and Forest department. The results revealed that the socio-economic condition of local communities has been improved, they were highly dependent upon the forest resources and benefited from direct and indirect factors. Majority of local population prefers JFM over traditional forest management. It was observed that after JFM the status of forest and wildlife damages was decreased and positive improvement in management was observed. Most of Plants of the study area often give potential pollinators which characterize a chief asset of energy. It was observed that due to Joint Forest Management has increased the population of beneficial insects which has an important role in pollination and natural product development including honey, silk and lac products. However some of the respondents were against of JFM due to ignorance and favoritism of JFMCs. Lack of interest was reported by some of the staff due to problems like lack of incentives, delay in community decisions, conflicts on forest resources and ban on permits. Future prospects of JFM was explained and suggestions for full participation, involvement of other related agencies, democratic way of JFMCs formation and linkage with various running projects were identified for best results in the future.
Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Saad, Muhammad Salim, Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Suliman, Salman Khan, Shah Masaud Khan, Muhammad Sadiq Khan, Honey Huma Amir. Impact of joint forest management on the insect population and socio-economics of local communities of village miandam district swat, Pakistan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):381-386.