Efficacy of a composite formulation (masticure®) as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of mastitis in bovines
Tawheed AS, Ishfaq Ahmad, Digraskar SU, Borikar ST and Dudhe NC
Mastitis is a complex disease with multifaceted etio-pathogenesis and causes huge economic losses worldwide including India. The present study was aimed to evaluate commercially available non-antibiotic preparation of minerals, probiotics, amino acids and enzymes with phyto extracts, “Masticure®†in the treatment of bovine mastitis.The present therapeutic trial involved 24 lactating cows with at least one specific subclinical mastitic quarter. The cows were divided randomly into 4 groups of 6 animals each. The therapeutic potential of current therapy in bovine mastitis was evaluated in terms of elimination of intramammary infections, subsiding of udder inflammation, improvement of milk quality and quantity up to d 28 post-initiation of treatment. The therapy in combination with and without parental antibiotic was found highly efficacious in eliminating intramammary infections and subsiding udder inflammation as evidenced from a significant decline in CMT score, SCC score, pH and EC. Also therapy enhanced the milk yield and milk biochemical parameters like protein, SNFand lactose. The overall effect of therapy was more seen in the group III treated with combination therapy i.e, Masticure granules orally and Masticure spray locally in combination with parental antibiotic ceftizoxime followed by group IV treated with combination therapy i.e, Masticure granules orally and Masticure spray locally without parental antibiotic.
Tawheed AS, Ishfaq Ahmad, Digraskar SU, Borikar ST, Dudhe NC. Efficacy of a composite formulation (masticure®) as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of mastitis in bovines. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):618-622.