Biology and internal ultrastructure of oleander scale (Aspidiotus nerii Bche) at transsmission electron microscope
Abasova NM, Mustafayeva GA, Rzayev FH, Ahmadov BA, Shirinova LA and Gubadova MO
Aspidiotus nerii Bche. causes more damage to olive trees in Absheron. Despite its high damaging degree, this species has not widely been studied. There is no any information on the ultrastructure of the Aspidiotus nerii Bche. that has a great practical importance, neither in local nor in foreign publications. Therefore, taking into account the relevance of research in this direction, the ultrastructure of Aspidiotus nerii Bche. has fitsly been studied by Transmission Electron Microscope, diffraction pattern has been captured and depicted.