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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 2
Efficacy and economics of different insecticidal treatments for the management of major sucking insect pests of sesame

AK Panday, Rajani Bisen, Surabhi Jain and ARG Ranganatha

An experiment to test the efficacy and economics of seed treatment using imidacloprid 70 WS along with foliar spray of different newer insecticides against major sucking insect pests of sesame was conducted at the experimental field of AICRP Sesame and Niger, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur during the Summer 2013 and 2014. The result revealed that all the insecticidal treatments were found significantly superior over untreated controls. Among the treatments, treatment T2 i.e., seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS (7.5g/kg seed) + foliar spray of imidacloprid 17.8 SL (0.25 ml/l) recorded lowest population of leaf hopper (0.17 leaf hopper /three leaves/plant), mirid bug (0.68 mirid bug/ three leaves/plant) and white fly (0.21 white fly/three leaves/plant) with minimum disease severity (0.47% phyllody), higher seed yield (770 kg/ha) and BC ratio of 4.22. Treatment T5 (seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS (7.5g/kg seed) + foliar spray of thiamethoxam 25 WG (0.25 g/l) was the next better treatment and recorded 0.24 leaf hopper /three leaves, 0.78 % severity of phyllody and 760 kg seed yield /ha. Superiority of treatment T2 was also envisaged with a percent reduction in sucking insect pest populations (96.51, 93.43 and 95.68% leaf hopper, mirid bug and white fly respectively) over control. Moreover out of nine treatments, all the seven treatment combinations gave a higher seed yield in comparison to control plot along with plot receiving seed treatment alone. Among these mentioned treatment combinations, treatment T2 out performed over others in terms of percent increase in seed yield (120.00%) over control, however, treatment T5 (seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS (7.5g/kg seed) and foliar spray of thiamethoxam 25 WG) was next the better treatment in percent increase in seed yield (117.14%) and reduction of disease severity (88.57%) over control.
Pages : 1247-1252 | 1164 Views | 184 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
AK Panday, Rajani Bisen, Surabhi Jain, ARG Ranganatha. Efficacy and economics of different insecticidal treatments for the management of major sucking insect pests of sesame. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):1247-1252.

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