Deciphering the biochemical changes of equines affected with acute diarrhea in Odisha
Pravas Ranjan Sahoo, Swagat Mohapatra, Ritun Patra and Prakash Chanda Behera
The present study was conducted to develop a suitable therapeutic regimen against the acute diarrhea by evaluating the detail biochemical profile of equines at Teaching Veterinary Complex (TVCC), College of Veterinary Science & AH, Bhubaneswar from time period between December 2016 to October 2017. In this study, the biochemical parameters of ten horse samples affected with acute diarrhea presented to the TVCC were compared with the control group. The biochemical profile was estimated in both treatment and control groups upon biochemical analyzer platform. The results revealed the concentration of glucose (124.57±2.98 mg/dl), AST (352.87±12.56 IU/L), ALP (342±18.63 IU/L), LDH (367±9.98 IU/L) increased more significantly (p<0.05) in the affected horses than the healthy ones, but however there was significantly decrease (p<0.05) in the concentration of total protein (4.48±0.32 g/dl), sodium (115.42±2.71mmol/l), potassium (2.71±0.23 mmol/l), calcium (8.63±0.21 mg/dl), phosphorus (3.41±0.19 mg/dl), magnesium (1.63±0.09 mg/dl) in the blood of the affected animals than the healthy animals.