Morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics of ticto barb Pethia ticto (Hamilton, 1822) from Gomti River, Uttar Pradesh
Ashish Kumar Maurya, Laxmi Prasad, Ravi Kumar and Shakila Khan
The present study aims to illustrate the morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics of ticto barb, Pethia ticto from Gomti River, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A total of 90 specimens ranging from 37-90 mm in total length and 0.82-10.37g body weight were used for morphometric and meristic studies. The sampling was done on monthly basis from June 2015 to May 2016 using different fishing gears as cast net, gill net and drag net having mesh size of about 1.0-2.0 cm. A total of 15 morphometric measurements and 8 meristic characters were considered for the present study. The standard length and fork length was found to be 77.98% and 89.27% of the total length, respectively. The head length, dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, anal fin length and snout length were calculated as 24.17%, 20.96%, 16.64%, 13.76% and 7.04% of the total length respectively. The pre-orbital length and post orbital length was calculated as 7.07% and 11.78% of the total length, respectively. The fin formulae of P. ticto was found to be as dorsal, D III, 8; pectoral, P1 I, 12-14; pelvic, P2 III, 5; anal, A II-III, 5 and caudal, C X, 9-10. The present study will be helpful in identification of the species and linear measurements can be used to determine population dynamics and health status of P. ticto in its natural habitat.