Effect of pongamia cake, neem cake and vermicompost on gall midge of chilli
SK Veena, RS Giraddi, M Bhemmanna and K Kandpal
An experiment was conducted under field condition in order to assess the effectiveness of neem cake, vermicompost and pongamia cake on the activity of chilli gall midge at Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur during 2014-15. The results indicated that crop amended at planting with neem cake (250 kg/ha) and vermicompost (1t/ha) were effective in keeping the sucking pests density in check, being comparable to recommended insecticides. At 15th Day After Transplanting blanket application with fipronil and dicofol and at 30th DAT second spray with fenpyroximate and spinosad. Pongamia cake (250kg/ha) was next in the order of effectiveness. The research highlights the utility of organics in managing sucking pests ofbyadagi chilli that has potential export value.
SK Veena, RS Giraddi, M Bhemmanna, K Kandpal. Effect of pongamia cake, neem cake and vermicompost on gall midge of chilli. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):2129-2130.