Population buildup of leaf and flower web forming insect, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) and their management in redgram ecosystem
SS Karabhantanal, SS Udikeri, SB Jagginavar and Jolli RB
Study was conducted for nine years from 2006-07 to 2014-15 during kharif–rabi season to know the behavioral of web forming insect on red gram. Results revealed that incidence was ranged from 8.58 to 26.25 percent in the district with a highest incidence of 22.40 percent during 2010-11. Among the several insecticides tested, combination of profenophos 50%EC @ 2.00 ml/l + DDVP 76EC @0.50 ml/l was found to be the best treatment and recorded the minimum number of larvae (0.20/pl), pod damage (4.90%) as compared to the other insecticide treatments and untreated control (6.60 larvae/ plant & 38.10% of pod damage). The highest yield (11.14q/ha) and net profit (Rs.30382/ha) was also realized in Profenophos + DDVP treatment.
SS Karabhantanal, SS Udikeri, SB Jagginavar, Jolli RB. Population buildup of leaf and flower web forming insect, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) and their management in redgram ecosystem. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):2192-2196.