A case of dystocia in goat was presented to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Faizabad. It was a non-descripted breed goat with protrusion of a fore limb through vulvar region and on labor for 12 hours but it failed to expel out the fetus. Per-vaginum inspection was conducted, dystocia diagnosed due to deviation of neck and unilateral flexion of a fore limb, fetal reflexes were absent. The fetal forelimb which was protruding, repelled inside the birth canal, faulty disposition was corrected. At the time of expulsion, it was seen that the fetus visceral organs were protruded out through abdominal wall. It was a case of congenital umbilical hernia (omphalocele). It is Common hereditary defects in pigs; due to recessive gene, progeny with defect (%) in large white and Landrace is 0.13% and 0.07% respectively. It is very rare in goats.