In the present study, Triazophos efficacy against stem borer of Maize under field conditions was evaluated at Faisalabad during 2017. Triazophos was used at three different concentrations low, standard and high against stem borer in TT-60 hybrid of maize as compared to control. Low concentration was 1 ml, standard was 2 ml, and high was 3 ml/ liter of water. Triazophos was sprayed under field conditions against stem borer of maize in Faisalabad district. Three replication for each concentration was used in different fields. Results showed that infestation of stem borer was low in the fields of high sprayed concentration of 3ml/liter which was 25%, while infestation of stem borer was medium at standard sprayed concentration fields which was about 45%. Stem borer infestation was high in lower sprayed concentration fields which was 75%. These results showed that triazophos was having efficacy at recommended concentration under field conditions. These results can be helpful to further decide the spraying concentration of triazophos in maize cropping system in future, which in turn will boost the maize production.