Characterization of beekeeping production and marketing system and major constraints, in selected districts of Arsi and West Arsi zones of Oromia region in Ethiopia
Mulualem Ambaw and Teklemedhn Teklehaimanot
This study was conducted in selected district of Arsi and West Arsi Zones in Oromia Region. A total of seven districts were selected purposively. 204 beekeepers were interviewed by using structured questionnaire. The average age and beekeeping experience of the respondents were 42 and 26.5 years respectively, which beekeeping is one of the agricultural practices for a longer period of time in the study districts. Men beekeepers take the larger share (99%) to be involved in beekeeping activities than women. The majority of beekeepers 84% were educated from primary to tertiary level. Different bee forage species were identified by the respondents in local name as trees, shrubs and herbs. The major constraints of beekeeping in the study areas were ranked as chemical poisoning, pests and predators and finally luck of beekeeping knowledge. In conclusion, the existing beekeeping practice of the study districts were low input output system interwoven by many constraints.
Mulualem Ambaw, Teklemedhn Teklehaimanot. Characterization of beekeeping production and marketing system and major constraints, in selected districts of Arsi and West Arsi zones of Oromia region in Ethiopia. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):2408-2414.