Study of odonates in South Gujarat in relation to their diversity and morphological characteristics
Patel RK, Ghetiya LV, Patel SR and Patel PS
The present experiment was conducted to study the odonates in South Gujarat in relation to their diversity and morphological characteristics (Morphometrics of forewing, hind wing and abdomen), at Department of Agricultural Entomology, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) India, during 2014-15. Total 37 species of odonates belongs to 28 genera, from eight families of two suborders were recorded from different localities of South Gujarat. Among 37 species of odonates sub order anisoptera consisting Common Torrent Hawk, Epophthalmia vittata Burmeister (Family: Macromiidae) was the largest in relation to size of forewing (53.24±0.13mm), hind wing (51.32±0.12mm) and abdomen (58.32±0.14mm), while Trumpet Tail Acisoma panorpoides Rambur (Family: Libellulidae) was the smallest in size with measurement of forewing (19.81±0.18mm), hind wing (18.11±0.11mm) and abdomen (15.75±0.20mm). On the other hand Brown Spread-Wing Lestes umbrinus Selys (Family:Lestidae) was the largest considering the size of forewing (28.08±0.04mm), hind wing (29.68±0.56mm) and abdomen (32.19±0.09mm) in sub order zygoptera.
Patel RK, Ghetiya LV, Patel SR, Patel PS. Study of odonates in South Gujarat in relation to their diversity and morphological characteristics. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):2796-2807.