Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata Wolff. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) a predatory bug in cashew plantations, upon rearing on wax moth larvae
K Vanitha, TN Raviprasad and V Shwetha
Eocanthecona furcellata Wolff. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is one of the predators of pests of cashew recorded in cashew plantations in Puttur region of Karnataka. This pest predates upon soft bodied insects especially leaf feeding caterpillars including hairy caterpillars and flower damaging caterpillars. This predatory bug is commonly noticed between September and March. Biology of E. furcellata has been documented on different insect pests. But, this study aimed to understand the biology of E. furcellata on greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Gracillaridae) which is a common laboratory host for many insects. Incubation period of E. furcellata lasted for 6-7 days. There were five nymphal instars being completed in 15-19 days and cannibalism was not recorded. Female bugs were bigger and had more longevity compared to male bugs. Mean fecundity was 314 eggs. Since E. furcellata has shorter life cycle, higher fecundity, high survivalability; it could be mass multiplied and promoted in suitable biological pest control programmes.
K Vanitha, TN Raviprasad, V Shwetha. Life cycle of Eocanthecona furcellata Wolff. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) a predatory bug in cashew plantations, upon rearing on wax moth larvae. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):3007-3010.