Surgical management of Coenurus gaigeri cyst in Goats: A review of five cases
Rashmi, Tamilmahan P, Prabhakar R and Priya Singh
Five female goats, age group of 8 months to 2years old were presented to referral veterinary polyclinic, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar during a month of January to August 2017 with history of soft fluctuating swelling over the body and no pain on palpation. On clinical examination, soft uniform fluctuating, non-inflammatory swelling was noticed and further clear watery fluid was aspirated on fine needle aspiration technique. The cases were tentatively diagnosed as cyst and decided for surgical removal. The location of cyst in different goats were left eye ball and lower eyelid margin, left thigh region, Thoraco- lumbar region in two cases. Under local infiltration of 2% lignocaine, the swollen mass was operated and the entire fluid containing cyst was surgically exteriorized without damaging the cyst wall. The fluid was sent for further parasitological examination and confirmed as a case of Coenurus gaigeri. Post operatively animal was administered antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and a combination of fenbendazole–Praziquantel. The animals were recovered completely by 12th postoperative day without any complications.
Rashmi, Tamilmahan P, Prabhakar R, Priya Singh. Surgical management of Coenurus gaigeri cyst in Goats: A review of five cases. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):3015-3017.