Updated check-list of Lachninae, Lizeriinae, Mindarinae, Phyllaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, Taiwanaphidinae and Thelaxinae (Aphididae: Hemiptera) and their food plants in India
Garima Singh, Mahesh Prasad and Rajendra Singh
The present check-list catalogued the food plant records of Indian aphids belonging to seven subfamilies Lachninae, Lizeriinae, Mindarinae, Phyllaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, Taiwanaphidinae and Thelaxinae (Aphididae: Hemiptera). From India, total 41 species of Lachninae were recorded under 12 genera, of which more than half of the species are endemic. It is composed of 5 tribes: Eulachnini, Lachnini, Stomaphidini, Tramini, and Tuberlachnini. Tribe Eulachnini includes 21 species that feed on plant 23 species belonging to 7 families. The host plant association demonstrated that out of 21 species of Eulachnini, 14 are monophagous and mostly feeding on pinus and 4 are oligophagous (2-5 plant species). Lachnini includes 10 monophagous species that feed on 30 species of host plants belonging to 10 families. Two species: Cinara (Cinara) chaetorostrata Ghosh & Raychaudhuri and Cinara (Cinara) pilicornis (Hartig) were recorded only on snow. Tribe Stomaphidini is represented by only one species infesting plant of Juglandaceae while Tramini is represented by 2 species infesting mostly plants belonging to Asteraceae. Of 7 species of Tuberlachnini, most of them are monophagous or oligophagous feeding on Rosaceae. Remaining 6 subfamilies: Lizeriinae, Mindarinae, Phyllaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, Taiwanaphidinae and Thelaxinae are least represented from India. Lizeriinae, Phyllaphidinae and Saltusaphidinae are each represented by only one monophagous species. Mindarinae, Taiwanaphidinae and Thelaxinae are represented by 2, 3 and 4 species of aphids, respectively. Among them, only one species of Thelaxinae feeds on the plants of 5 families.
Garima Singh, Mahesh Prasad, Rajendra Singh. Updated check-list of Lachninae, Lizeriinae, Mindarinae, Phyllaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, Taiwanaphidinae and Thelaxinae (Aphididae: Hemiptera) and their food plants in India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(2):3157-3166.