Gross morphology of testes and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)
Tamilselvan S, BS Dhote, Ishwar Singh, Meena Mrigesh S, Sathapathy and D Mahanta
The present study was conducted to study the gross morphology and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of testes of 54 apparently healthy male guinea fowl birds at different age groups ranging from day old to 28 weeks. The testes were paired organs, located within the abdominal cavity just caudal to the respective lungs and ventral to cranial lobe of the respective kidneys. The shape of the testes was bean shaped and yellowish white in colour at early age groups. Whereas, after 16 weeks of age, testes were elongated bean shaped, white to creamy white in colour. The paired testis weight was 0.02± 0.001 g at the age of two weeks, which increased gradually as the age advanced, then reached a maximum weight of 2.23±0.02 g at 28 weeks of age. The maximum gonado somatic index was 0.15 ± 0.001 % recorded at the age of 28 weeks, which indicated high sperm production efficiency