Gross morphometrical changes in the ovaries of indigenous fowl (Uttara fowl) during postnatal development
Khan Idrees Mohd, Ishwar Singh and Rabab Saleem
The present investigation was performed, to study the detailed morphological changes occurring during postnatal development of the ovary. The experiment was conducted on 54 apparently healthy female fowl of different age groups (day-old and weeks 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28) reared at Instructional Poultry Farm G.B.P.U.A.T, Pantnagar for 28 weeks during year 2017. Postnatal development of female reproductive system started with development of left ovary and oviduct with simultaneous regression of right ovary and oviduct. The ovarian weight increased non-significantly (P≤0.05) from day 1 to 16 weeks of age. However, there was a significant increase in weight of left ovary from the 16 to 28 weeks of age. The ovarian morphology changed during postnatal development. It started as smooth elongated organ at day-old age, underwent segmentation with age to ensure increased surface area for follicular eruption and followed by grape bunch like appearance at laying phase due to formation of the hierarchical follicles.