Anatomical studies on cervix of adult Bakerwali goat during different phases of estrus cycle
Rabab Saleem and Shalini Suri
The present investigation was aimed to study the histology and histochemistry of cervix during different phases of estrus cycle. Twelve genitalia of apparently healthy, non pregnant cyclic adult (2-3 years of age) Bakerwali goat was collected from local slaughter houses of Jammu region during year 2014. Histological study revealed that the cervix was lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium and the epithelial height was higher in the follicular phase (26.49 ± 1.72µm) as compared to luteal phase (22.69 ± 1.60µm). The cervical epithelium invaginate into the lamina propria submucosa to form simple coiled tubular cervical glands. They were lined with simple tall to low columnar epithelium in follicular and luteal phase respectively. The inner, outer diameter of cervical gland and glandular epithelium height was significantly (P≤0.05) higher in the follicular phase of estrus cycle. Intense PAS reaction was seen in the supranuclear zone of lining, glandular epithelium and cervical secretions. The muscular tunic of the cervix contained inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layer which was infiltrated with large number of blood vessels and nerves. Tunica serosa comprised of irregular dense fibrous connective tissue which contained loosely arranged collagen fibres. It was mildly positive for PAS, cholesterol and bound lipids.
Rabab Saleem, Shalini Suri. Anatomical studies on cervix of adult Bakerwali goat during different phases of estrus cycle. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(3):781-784.