Effect of Tamarindus indica seed powder to ameliorate fluoride toxicity in cattle
Roy M, Roy S and Tiwari SP
Present study confirmed the presence of fluoride (0.7 to 2.6µg/ml)) to toxic levels in drinking water of some villages of Durg district of Chhattisgarh State. Significant increased concentration of fluoride was also recorded in blood and urine samples of cattle showing clinical signs of flurosis in affected locations. Present study also revealed the status of oxidative stress due to increase fluoride level in blood and antioxidant potential of Tamarindus indica L seed powder (TISP) on fluoride induced oxidative stress. The correlation between fluoride body burden and lipid peroxidation was found positive whereas negative correlation exist with blood fluoride levels and Reduced Glutathione level (GSH), antioxidant enzymes like Super oxide dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT). Tamarindus indica L seed powder (TISP) was found effective to increase excretion of fluoride in urine and significant (p<0.05)alleviate the toxic effects of fluoride and overcome fluoride toxicity in animals from the affected area.