Evaluate the pollination efficiency of different insect pollinators in mango (Mangifera indica L.) var. amrapali
Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Umesh Chandra and PK Gupta
In the present resurch Amrapali var. of mango was taken to study the insect pollinators efficiency at main experimental station (MES) Horticulture & Apiculture laboratory NDUAT kumarganj Faizabad (U.P.) India during 2014. Pollination efficiency can be find out based on time spend (sec/flower), no. of flower visited by insects/min. & no. of loose pollen grains/foragers. Apis mellifera L. are the most efficient pollinators of mango flowers followed by Blue bottle fly & Apis dorsata under agro- ecological conditions of NDUA&T kumarganj Faizabad.
Ajay Kumar Chauhan, Umesh Chandra, PK Gupta. Evaluate the pollination efficiency of different insect pollinators in mango (Mangifera indica L.) var. amrapali. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(3):976-977.