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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 3
Seed germination / phytotoxicity of end product fermentation of poultry farm waste

IA Baba, MT Banday, HM Khan, IU Sheikh and S Adil

The present study was conducted in the Division of Livestock Production and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (SKUAST- Kashmir) to assess the seed germination/phytoxicity of the fermented end product of poultry farm waste different seasons. Poultry farm waste in the form of poultry carcass (dead birds) and poultry litter was selected for this purpose. Nine treatment recipes formulated for fermentation were: T1: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter, T2:Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 1.0 per cent T3:Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 0.5 per cent T4: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Yeast @1.0 per cent T5: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Yeast @ 0.5 per cent T6: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 1per cent + Yeast @ 0.5per cent T7: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 1per cent + Yeast @ 1per cent T8: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 0.5per cent + Yeast @ 0.5per cent T9: Poultry carcass + Poultry litter + Lactobacillus @ 0.5per cent + Yeast @ 1 per cent. During winter season the significantly (P<0.05) highest seed germination of 63.0 per cent was observed in T2 and T9 and lowest seed germination of 52 .0 per cent was observed in T6 group. Similarly during summer season significantly (P<0.05) highest and lowest seed germination of 64.5 and 52.5 per cent was observed respectively in T9 and T6 treatment groups. It was concluded that fermentation has significantly reduced the phytotoxic components of the poultry waste material.
Pages : 1062-1064 | 652 Views | 151 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
IA Baba, MT Banday, HM Khan, IU Sheikh, S Adil. Seed germination / phytotoxicity of end product fermentation of poultry farm waste. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(3):1062-1064.

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