Canine pseudopregnancy and its treatment strategies
L Kipjen Singh, Aamrapali Bhimte, W Pipelu, GK Mishra and MK Patra
Pseudopregnancy is the most frequent finding syndrome of clinical signs observed in the nonpregnant domestic bitch. Pseudopregnant bitches show different clinical signs with those similar clinical signs shown by pregnant bitches. Decreased levels of progesterone concentration resulting in increased levels of prolactin predispose the bitches to pseudopregnancy. Pseudopregnancy is a normal phenomenon. Diagnosis is mainly carried out on the basis of the clinical signs revealed by the dog associated with the absence of fetuses by radiography and ultrasonographical examination. Several methods with varying results exist for the management of clinical forms of pseudopregnancy in the bitch. The only permanent solution for prevention of pseudopregnancy in the bitch is ovariohysterectomy. The objective of this present review is to describe the relevant aspects of physiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment strategies of pseudopregnancy in the domestic bitch.