Clinicopathological and molecular detection of cerebral form of ehrlichiosis in a german shepherd
LJ Harish, R Saahithya, P Thiruavukkarasu, K Jeyaraja, K Nagarajan and N Jayanthi
A 3 year old intact female German shepherd dog with history of inappetance, pyrexia, paraplegia and uveitis was presented to the small animal outpatient unit of the Department of Clinics, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai. Haemato-biochemical values revealed relative thrombocytopenia with low hemoglobin and red blood cell count and moderate elevation in the Blood urea nitrogen. Radiographic imaging revealed mild splenomegaly. A standard cerebrospinal fluid examination was performed. Cerebrospinal fluid was slightly turbid with elevated glucose and protein levels. CSF Cytology revealed monocytic pleocytosis with several intracytoplasmic basophilic round to oval inclusion bodies in multifocal fields consistent with Ehrlichia canis morulae within the cytoplasm of the monocytes which was further confirmed with acridine orange staining method. Nested Polymerase chain reaction was done on CSF to confirm the Ehrlichiosis induced meningoencephalitis in the present case. The dog was treated with respective antibiotics. Later euthanized under humanitarian grounds upon owner’s request.
LJ Harish, R Saahithya, P Thiruavukkarasu, K Jeyaraja, K Nagarajan, N Jayanthi. Clinicopathological and molecular detection of cerebral form of ehrlichiosis in a german shepherd. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(3):1083-1086.