Correlation of hatching egg weight with hatchability percentage and chick weight of white leghorn breeder (BV-300 strain)
Pramod Sharma, Ankur Khare, VN Gautam and Neelu Vishwakarma
A study was carried out to find the correlation of hatching egg weight with hatchability percentage and chick weight of White leghorn breeder (BV-300 Strain). Eggs were divided into three different size groups as small: (≤50 g) medium: (51-60 g) and large: (≥61g) for the study. The complete randomized design (CRD) method was used for analyzing the data obtained during the study. Medium size eggs group showed higher (P<0.05) hatchability percentage than other groups. However, the chick weight of large-sized eggs group was significantly higher (P<0.05) than chick weight of small and medium-sized eggs. It was found that the average hen day production, feed intake per bird per day and average egg weight was 79.51%, 116.71g and 55.00 g respectively. The data concluded that medium egg size was beneficial to maximize the hatchability percentage and chick weight in White leghorn breeder (BV-300 Strain).